अगर अचानक पैसो की जरूरत पड़ जाये तो सबसे पहले Personal Loan का ख्याल आता है.

लेकिन किस बैंक से Personal Loan लेना है, यह पता करना थोडा मुश्किल हो जाता है.

आज हम आपको भारत के बड़े बैंकों के Personal Loan Interest Rates के बारे में जानकारी देंगे.

Bank of Baroda

Interest Rate :  9.20 - 16.55%

Processing Fee :  2% of the Loan Amount

Indian Bank 

Interest Rate :  9.40- 13.40%

Processing Fee :  1% of the Loan Amount

Punjab National Bank

Interest Rate :  9.80 - 14.65%

Processing Fee :  1% of the Loan Amount

Union Bank of India

Interest Rate :  9.30 - 13.40%

Processing Fee :  0.50% of the Loan Amount


Interest Rate :  9.40 - 14.00%

Processing Fee :  1% of the Loan Amount


Interest Rate :  9.40 - 14.00%

Processing Fee :  1% of the Loan Amount

State Bank of India

Interest Rate :  9.80% - 12.30% 

Processing Fee :  1.50% of the Loan Amount

Central Bank of India

Interest Rate :  9.85 - 10.05%

Processing Fee :  1% of the Loan Amount

Axis Bank

Interest Rate :  10.49 - 24%

Processing Fee :  3% of the Loan Amount


Interest Rate :  10.49 - 24%

Processing Fee :  3.50% of the Loan Amount


Interest Rate :  10.50 - 19%

Processing Fee :  2.50% of the Loan Amount

UCO Bank

Interest Rate :  10.65 - 10.90%

Processing Fee :  1% of the Loan Amount