Getting a loan for buying a house in India typically involves several steps. Here's a general overview of the process:

Research & choose a lender: Compare banks, interest rates, tenure, fees.

Check eligibility: Age, income, employment, credit score, liabilities.

Gather required documents: ID, address, income, employment, property docs.

Submit loan application: Fill form, pay processing fee, provide documents.

Credit appraisal: Lender assesses creditworthiness, verifies docs, credit score.

Loan approval: If approved, receive sanction letter with loan amount & terms.

Property valuation & legal check: Lender evaluates property value, title status.

Loan disbursement: Sign loan agreement, register mortgage, receive funds.

Repayment: Repay loan in EMIs as per schedule, maintain good credit history.

The specific process and requirements may vary depending on the lender and the property location.